Tuesday, December 22, 2009
It's Been Awhile......
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Precious....and Important.

"Mr. Ron, Miss Debbie is gon' need to be careful. You see, when you is precious to God you become important to the devil. Watch your back, Mr. Ron. Somethin' bad gettin' ready to happen to Miss Debbie. The thief comes in the night."
I recently read an incredible book that tells the true story of an unlikely friendship between a homeless man and a wealthy art dealer that blossomed into a relationship that brought healing to both....and to many others along the way. Check it out if you haven't read it- it is called Same Kind of Different as Me and can be found here: http://www.samekindofdifferentasme.com/ . The picture here is of it's two authors who are also the main characters in the story....the ones between whom the conversation above is occurring...
As I have continued on my own journey since reading this book, I have often found myself returning to it's pages as I am reminded continually of the little tidbits of wisdom found in its chapters. The statement above is no exception.
I am blessed beyond measure to be a part of a wonderful church family here at Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas. Recently, we embarked on a 50-day journey called Draw Near. It is one during which we each commit, to the Lord and to each other, to taking time each of the following 50 days to intentionally connect with the Lord. This is done through personal study of Scripture, prayer, worship, and meeting together in community- of which I have recently been reminded is a non-negotiable in the discipleship process.
We are currently about two weeks into this journey, and I have loved hearing about and reading the stories of the individuals who have chosen to throw their lives into this challenge. James 4:8 tells us that if we draw near to God He will draw near to us...and this, my friends, is what is happening. The Lord is faithful, and I can not wait to continue this adventure!
Something else has been brought to my attention throughout the past week. As I have listened to the stories of those who have decided to draw near, there are several threads that I believe have been woven into the fabric of this experience. I have heard about growing faith, restoring repentance, and overwhelming joy. I have experienced true worship, authentic community, and incredible love. However, there is also a thread that I have become painstakingly aware of that was not expected. One that was not asked for. And one....to be honest....I wish did not have a place in this experience.
The thread: pain. Amidst the incredible mountain-top stories of triumph and joy, several valleys have been deepened. Valleys that tell the stories of sickness, betrayal, loss, and hopelessness. Of persecution. Of desertion. Of pain. And while it is not my natural tendency to focus on the valleys, I have realized that, during this experience- these stories are just as important! You see, I believe what Denver said. That "when you is precious to God, you become important to the devil." While I do not claim to know whether these new struggles and hurts have arisen due to the church's "preciousness" to God as we attempt to Draw Near, I would suggest that maybe- just maybe- the devil sees something going on in NWA that he does not like. That scares the pee out of him. Just maybe. And that, my friends, may be the most incredible story of all!
As I have had several conversations regarding this the past few days, both with great friends and within my own mind, I have also come to realize something greater. Could these valleys, this unwanted thread, be a test of our faith...a test whose results will prove a genuine faith, one that will result in nothing but the praise, honor, and glory of our Father? 1 Peter 1:6-7 says:
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
Shoot- if this is the truth, then let's party on! Let's rejoice in the trials ahead. Let's jump at the chance to make the devil pee his pants when he realizes his fire will only refine us further. If we are tired of singing, let's worship anyway! If we are tired of praying, let's pray anyway! If our eyes are so tired from crying that we just don't think we can keep them open any longer- let's jump into His Word anyway! And when we do, we may do so with the confidence that comes from knowing He will meet us where we are...from knowing that He will, indeed, draw near.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Limping...with a full heart.
But the hang-ups that my struggle with this anxiety has caused are not the point. You see, I've come to realize that the pain is never the point. Nope. The point...the amazing point that has captured my heart, brought me to tears and invited me to sing, is that the freedom and grace that is offered through the Lord's redemption so much bigger than my pain. SO much bigger than my anxiety. Than my fear.
I have been limping alone for far too long. This is it- my solo travels end here. I have finally realized that we are all broken, that this is ok, and that He is bigger. He is bigger! And the strength that comes from believing that...truly believing that is overpowering. I invite you to recognize with me that it is ok that we are limping. But more than that, I invite you to reach up and take the hand that is waiting for you...and I pray that your heart is just as captivated as mine.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Clenched Tight
Tonight has left me feeling a little melancholy. Why do things have to be the way they are? Why the heartache…the brokenness…the insecurities? The torn relationships? Just…..why? Generally I could convince myself to see the brighter side- to focus on the positive. But tonight, I cling to nothing but the truth that the Lord is in control- and when all is said and done, I will be dancing with Him in eternity.
The truth is, tonight, I am hurt. By situations that turned out differently than I planned. By relationships that have turned out differently than I planned. By words, constantly played over and over again in my mind….most of which may not have even been intended to hurt. Still, my heart aches. I’m frustrated by the pressure of expectations and knowing that no matter how hard I try, I will never fulfill them all. I will always be failing in some aspect- I will always be letting somebody down. Disappointing someone. Frustrating someone.
I am a girl that struggles with letting go. With letting others down. With admitting that I am not in control, and that I can not do it on my own. With admitting that I simply can’t do it all- and that really, I don’t want to do it all. I will hold my fists clenched tight until each finger is pulled away. Even at that, I will grasp wildly with any last effort to retain my grip on anything I can. I…am stubborn.
The irony is that in my seemingly never-ending quest for change and adventure, I have discovered that it is change I struggle with most of all. Hurts, changing relationships, words spoken, new challenges, and personal failures- all things I struggle with opening my fists for.
I just re-read my previous post a few minutes ago, and decided to repost some of it here. I need a reminder…
The truth is, life is rarely what we think it is. I've learned to laugh at myself- to laugh at the thought that I have ever felt in control. That I have thought it is all about me. Because the reality is- I am no more in control of my life than the Royals are going to win the world series. Right? And you know what? I am ok with that. Truly, honestly, 110%, lickety-split, finger-lickin good to the last drop ok with that. Have I always been ok with that? Definitely not. Will I be ok with that tomorrow? I pray to the Lord for strength enough to lay my life at His feet.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Certainty of Uncertainty...

Thursday, May 14, 2009
You let a broken women bathe your feet in her tears...
And you washed your best friend’s feet.
I am just wondering though-did you just ever hug people?
I mean, I know that it is a silly question and all... I am sure you would have. Why wouldn’t you?
But its one of those things that was never mentioned, and that got me thinking about it.
And how whenever there was a touch from you, sins were forgiven and sickness fell.
I know you have forgiven my sins, and the last time I checked all my body parts were properly working. Nothing special here.
I am just a kid with a heavy heart these passing sunrises and sunsets.
I don’t think our encounter would have ended up in the gospels or anything...
because all I really need is a hug.
That is ok for me to imagine right?
That’s not going to be conflicting with any sort of theology, is it?
Ok good... then hug me.
But not one of these sideways one arm around the neck type hugs....
Or the ghetto right-hand, clasp-fists, elbows to chest, pit pat on the back-back kind of hug...
Or you put your right arm over my right arm and I put my left arm over your left arm and we make this weird sort of diagonal thing.
Nah, none of those
And just hold me, hold me here in your arms until I start to cry.... because
I WANT to cry... but I just can’t seem to do it on my own.
I have even been teary eyed recently, but not even enough for a drip down my cheek.
There's just hurt in my soul that needs to be purged...so hug me....and hold me in this hold pose until the pain is flowing from my eyes and I am Yours.
-Bradley Hathaway
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Am I toothpaste?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lightbulb Times
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Well, I think that pretty much sums it up.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I am home.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Run Free

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
One Thing.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bandaid Days
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Panoramic View

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Today, I am Lucy.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
25 things...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hot Air Balloons and Large Tips
Sunday, January 11, 2009
How vs. Why
I myself have spent countless hours searching for such a solution to my own 'how' questions, and after years of failed attempts, Ive decided that I'm done. Finished. Through. My search has come to an end. It is this inevitable failure that has brought me to this point where I am today. And as I sit here pondering my many failed attempts at formulizing my life, I realize that it was never the 'how'questions that were important at all. Deep underneath the mess of life, there is a question that will unearth the true reasons we feel the need to ask the 'how' questions in the first place. One word: Why? The truth is, this simple question is often too painful to ask, and even more painful to answer. Consider these questions in lieu of the 'how' questions above.....Why am I so focused on money.....why do I feel the need to impress everyone....why doesn't he love me...Why aren't I happy? Why....am I even here?
And so, it starts. Why am I here today......exposing my thoughts to the never ending black hole that is the internet? Is it because I have too much free time? Nope. Is it because my life is so interesting as to merit reading from passers-by? Nope. Is it becacuse I just really like to share my thoughts? Haha, maybe. Truly, it is to examine this question of why....to process and vent and think and share....and hopefully come to a greater understanding our awesome God and His plans for us. Why don't you join me?