I'm feeling a little outside myself. No stories. No silly analogies. Just me. And my heart- that currently feels a little like jello. (Ok, that was a little silly.....but it is more true than any other words that could come out of my mouth at this moment).
God, are you trying to tell me something here? Things I have read....heard....and lived the past few days have carried a consistent tone that can not be mistaken. Who are You, Lord? Who am I?
I don't think I can really explain my jello heart. What I do know, is that I feel like I can see again. God is good. He is Good! His very nature is good.....He is unchanging. Unchanged by circumstances. Unchanged by any pain I may endure in my life. Unchanged by my turning my back on Him. In a world of continuous change, inconsistency, and hypocrisy- inside a me of continuous change, inconsistency, and hypocrisy- it is hard for me to wrap my mind around His constancy. He is good. Always.
I want to be enveloped in His goodness. His kindness. His mercy. To know fully, deep in my heart the hope of the eternal reward I have in Him. That this is not where it ends- there is more. There is SO MUCH MORE!
Every now and then I hear a song whose lyrics resonate with my heart better than any I could write my own. Here is a chorus from a song I learned recently...
So I throw my life upon all that You are
'Cause I know You gave it all for me
And when all else fades my soul will dance...with You
Where the love lasts forever....
I can not help but think of throwing my arms around Christ and holding tight with all that I am to who He is....knowing that He will never let me go. Knowing that no matter the struggles, the trials, and the challenges, when all is said and done....I will dwell in His continuous love, forever.
God, You are good.